
How to Build Your Own Online Store: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking for a way to make money online, but don’t want to do it through blogging or affiliate marketing (or if you’ve tried those and found them too complicated), then setting up your online store may be the perfect solution. This blog post will show you how to set up an online store in less than 10 minutes, discover more with no technical knowledge required!

Online Business

This guide will walk you through the process of building an ecommerce store, laying out all the steps involved and what to expect along the way.

When choosing a platform for your website or blog (which we discuss below), one thing that is important to consider is whether you need any customization to make it work with your products and services.

If you’re starting from scratch, customizing may be necessary; if not, you’ll still want something flexible enough to allow changes down the line without too much hassle. You don’t want things like product categories and attributes hard-coded into modules because this could leave you unable to add new products later on without breaking everything else!

Luckily, there are many options available today that allow for a great deal of flexibility and customization and an increasing number that are explicitly designed with ecommerce in mind.

You should also think about how much support you’ll need throughout the process, especially if this is your first online store venture.

Key Points

For example, some platforms offer extensive customer service via phone or live chat, while others don’t provide any assistance at all outside of documentation on their websites. This could be very frustrating if something goes wrong along the way, so it’s essential to choose one where help is easily accessible when needed!

Additionally, no matter which platform you go with, it will require some technical skills (such as HTML), so make sure whoever does this work for you has those abilities before hiring someone.

Unfortunately, not all platforms offer the same level of security, so you’ll need to do your research ahead of time to make sure you’re choosing one that meets your needs.

Now that we’ve covered some essential criteria for choosing a platform let’s dive into some specific ones worth considering!


Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms today, with over half a million active stores. It offers everything needed to get an online store up and running quickly and easily, including customizable templates, payment processing, shopping carts, and SEO tools.

This means you can start selling products online right away without needing any technical skills or experience!

On the other hand, Shopify is probably best suited to those with a bit of prior ecommerce knowledge and store management experience since it’s very easy to get started but doesn’t offer much in terms of training materials for beginners. Of course, if you’re an experienced web developer, this shouldn’t be too big of an issue.

Still, we definitely recommend looking into some good resources ahead of time (such as our free Ecommerce University courses) so that you know what you’ll need before getting started. Another downside to keep in mind is that all features, including customer support, are only available within their paid plans, which begin at $29/month.


Another popular option is Big Commerce which works similarly to Shopify with a few notable differences. These include the ability to customize your website’s design and handle shipping on your own, rather than using a third-party service like UPS or FedEx.

It also comes with built-in SEO tools and training materials for beginners, although many features are reserved for paid plans only (such as online marketing).

In Conclusion

An even more crucial part of choosing your ecommerce platform is the security of your website and customers’ information. This includes safeguarding your site from hackers and encrypting any personal data (such as credit card numbers) that passes through it.

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